Annals of anomalies
By Clement Odia
I told them: “Don’t adorn the moon with beauty,”
Yes, I warned, but nobody heeded.
The Sun arrived and stole its shine.
I warned them, “Do not empower darkness with dread,”
They didn’t listen.
Then Dawn came and claimed its power.
Yet, I warned, “Do not invest Dawn with
So much glory,”
But no one listened.
Then Death snatched its glory.
Warn again I do:
“Do not concentrate power at the centre,
Lest federating states wither and surrender”.
Let the independent Electoral Commission
Stand impartial, its name a beacon of truth.
And let the Judiciary remain steadfast,
Unswayed by ruling powers’ influence.
* Dr. Odia teaches English at the University of Benin, Benin City