Mother’s Love

By Oriyomi Esther Eriwayo
In times of doubt, and moments bleak,
Our mother’s strength, we’ll always seek,
For in her life, and in her love so true,
We find the courage to see us through.
Her spirit guides us, like a beacon bright,
A light that shines, in the darkest night,
And though her hand, we can no longer hold,
Her love’s embrace, will never grow old.
For in her strength, we’ve come to know,
That love’s sweet power, will always flow,
Through our lives, and the lives of others,
Her love will shine, like no other.
The hope, the faith, that lies within,
A guiding force, to help us win.
And as we walk, our path ahead,
Our mother’s love, will never be dead
* Eriwayo is a poet, playwright and actor