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SBMEN’s virtual copyediting course set for March 22

  • March 13, 2024
  • 2 min read
SBMEN’s virtual copyediting course set for March 22

By Editor

THE Society of Book and Magazine Editors of Nigeria (SBMEN) has announced its forthcoming 2-day virtual editing workshop with the theme ‘Elementary Copyediting’ scheduled to be held from March 22 – 23, 2024. Participants will be taught elements of copyediting to produce a good publication or content. This includes writing, spelling and punctuation errors, grammar problems, inconsistent style format, editing with precision, managing relationships, editing for the web and marking up a manuscript. Discussions and exercises will be based on non-fiction excerpts.

According to the Executive Director, Anwuli Ojogwu, “A good editor needs to have the skills of precision and accuracy, and with more demand for people with these skills in media and technology, it is important to equip them with the skills to have a successful career.”

The workshop will benefit early and emerging editors, writers and content developers. It will be facilitated by accomplished professional editors and delivered through lectures, reading assignments, interactive sessions and class exercises to ensure a practical experience. Interested individuals are encouraged to register for the course. For more information on how to enrol in the training, course fee and early bird discount, email: programmes@sbmen.org.ng or visit www.sbmen.org.ng.

The Society for Book and Magazine Editors of Nigeria (SBMEN) is an educational and professional association that represents and supports editorial professionals to develop editorial skills that meet global best practices through training and resources. It is also extended to other professionals who work within publications, broadcasting, digital media, legal services, communications, public relations and academia. The organisation also provides guidance on editorial standards.

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